Sunday School

"Go therefore and make disciples..."

Our "Distant Mission" program is extensive. Each year, nearly two-thirds of the adult population of Lost Creek will travel somewhere to engage in mission work. The foundation of our distant mission work is a long-term commitment to work in Alaska and Belize. We also send a team every year to the Sager Brown Depot in Louisiana. Besides these large trip initiatives, members will also travel on teams to many other places. Lost Creek members have traveled to many places on mission including Costa Rica, Peru, Bolivia, and Poland.
The mission of our church is "to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." One of the best ways disciples are made is in Sunday School classes, where participants learn more about their faith and grow in their understanding of God. At Lost Creek, we have several Sunday School classes, each with a distinct personality. Take a look below at our current classes and see which is the best fit for you!

Adult Sunday School Classes


Meets in the Old Sanctuary

The Wannabes are a class of "seasoned" and younger adults supports and helps each other be better disciples and seeks ways to put our faith into action .  Basically, we just “wannabe” more like Jesus.


Meets in Room 104

The Seekers are a mix of people from retirement age down to folks in their 20s. This class loves to get into good and deep Bible study, while also caring for one another.


Meets in Room 103

The Reboot Class is our newest Sunday School class, made up primarily of young adults and families with children. With topical studies, book studies, and other curriculum, this class engages people's faith in an inviting atmosphere.


2025 Dates: July 19-29

In Alaska, the group will split off into teams to complete projects around the area of Girdwood and Seward. In the past, the In the past the mission team has painted, built cabins, replaced roofs, cooked for the community, helped at Vacation Bible School, and even fixed a town sign! The team hosts monthly fundraiser luncheons at the church.


2025 Dates: June 20-29

Lost Creek also holds a long-term missional commitment to our friends in Corozal and Libertad, Belize. Each summer, a group will travel to Belize to help the local teachers hold Vacation Bible School for the children of Corozal and Libertad. This mission is youth and child friendly!

Sager Brown

2025 Dates: June 1-6

The Sager Brown Depot is located in Baldwin, Louisiana and is the center for the UMCOR Disaster Response Relief unit. Each year, volunteers will package $4 million in disaster relief supplies to be used within the United States. Lost Creek members who participate in this mission will help pack relief kits or perform other duties at the Depot.

We Make a Difference.

Lost Creek members don't stop with the distant missions sponsored by the church. We have congregants who have gone on mission to Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru, Bolivia, Italy, and Poland! We would love to hear your story of mission work and how you made an impact on our neighbors around the world!

We also have several Children's Sunday School classes. Click here to find out more about them on our Children's page.

Have questions about our distant missions? Click here to reach out to us!